
    About us


    National Informatics Center (NIC) is a premier S&T; Government of India organization established in 1976 to provide e-Governance / e-Governance solutions by adopting best practices, integrated services and global solutions in the government sector Established in 1988, the Bihar State Center of National Informatics Center (NIC-Bihar) has been instrumental in bringing ICT culture in the Government of Bihar. With a focus on building IT interfaces to facilitate citizen-friendly and transparent government, NIC has helped improve service delivery by several departments, including revenue, district administration, rural development, finance, agriculture, employment, election, social welfare, made a significant contribution. , Food & Civil Supplies, Court, Others. NIC Bihar State Center at Patna with its various Cells and 38 Districts of Bihar is continuously engaged to automate and expedite the e-Governance processes in close…

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    Allotment of Bihar State Certificate in Financial Accounting Centres under...

    The software randomly generates sub division wise list of all the Bihar State Certificate in Financial Accounting Centre under each…

    e Granthayala

    e-Granthalaya Workshop conducted at Kendriya Vidyalaya Danapur Cantt. Patna.

    e-Granthalaya : A Digital Agenda for Automation and Networking of Government Libraries from National Informatics Centre,Government of India workshop picture…

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    Appreciation Letter Given by Divisional Commissioner,...

    Appreciation Letter Given by Divisional Commissioner, Patna and District Magistrate, Patna for Outstanding Technical support on various events.

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    National Informatics Centre

    NIC Bihar State Centre, NIC Bhawan
    Soochna Bhawan Campus, Nehru Path
    Patna, Bihar 800015
    Phone: 0612 – 2547964
